Montage de cloison de cloison de bpc micro BNC micro BNC de 12 GHz
12GHz Micro BNC Coaxial Connectors for High Speed, High Definit ion Video Applications Right Angle PCB Bulkhead mounting Until now, to communicate at the Bitrates associated with Ultra High Definition Television (referred to variously as “Ultra HD”, “UHD”, “UHDTV”, “4K UHD”) it has been necessary to employ 2 or even 4 channels. With this new Right Angle PCB Bulkhead mounting Micro BNC connector from Cambridge Connectors it is now possible to achieve 6 and 12 Gbits/sBitrates utilising a single channel Precision 12GHz 75 Ohm Micro BNC Connector Optimised for 4K/Quad HD and Ultra HD Broadcast Applications One single connection for each 12 GHz Channel