Association Boule à Z'héros

A few months ago, we had the honor of introducing you to an association that is particularly close to our hearts and to which we are committed: Boule à Z'héros! created by a group of caregivers, its aim is to brighten up and improve the daily lives of hospitalized children suffering from cancer. The pediatric oncology team 🩺 embarked on the crazy project of renovating the department, and thanks to the donations collected this project was able to see the light of day. Today, we are happy to share with you the results of the creations made on all the walls of the department, on the theme of travel, which put lots of stars in the eyes of children and parents. A BIG thank you to the Boule à z'héros team for making this magnificent project a reality! You too can become a real z'hero! Make a donation and get involved to support Boule à Z'héros's projects: